Jboss Module.xml Slot Rating: 3,7/5 763 reviews
  • 4Naming Conventions
  • 5Process
  1. Then in app-B's jboss-deployment-structure.xml I declared module name='com.simple' slot='2.0'/ then invoked printSimple and 'Simple for 2.0 module' was printed to the console. Also, I have apps that use different versions of Hibernate and JSF installed as modules and they work ok.
  2. Code review; Project management; Integrations; Actions; Packages; Security.
  • How to create custom Modules in JBoss EAP 6 https://access.redhat.com/solutions/195403

Jboss-deployment-structure.xml; module.xml; Overview. A WildFly module (or JBoss module) is a packaged collection of classes and other resources, along with the specification of what is imported and exported by this module from/to other modules. Each API or service provided by WildFly is implemented as a module, which is loaded or unloaded on.


Module Name


The module name is a dot-separated, fully qualified, unique, package name-like string. Conventionally, the name of the module coincides with the embedded top package, though nothing bad seems to happen it does not. Example: com.novaordis.playground.wildfly.custommodule.

Module JAR Name

Conventionally, it should be the condensed form of the module name, including the version string. Example custom-wildfly-module-1.0.jar.

Module Location


Write Code and Package It According the Naming Conventions

See Naming Conventions above.

Copy the JAR under WildFly's module Directory

See Module Location above.

Create a module.xml in the Same Module Directory

The content of the module.xml should be similar to:

Module's Dependencies

The module may have its own dependencies, which can be other JBoss modules, third party packages or JDK classes. Those must be declared as shown here:
Expressing Module Dependencies in module.xml

Make the Module Dependents Aware

Jboss Module.xml Sloths

In case of a web application, place a jboss-deployment-structure.xml similar to the example shown below under WEB-INF:

Jboss module.xml sloths

Create the EAP module as artifact of a dedicated 'eap-module' Maven module:

Deploying a Module with CLI

Jboss Module.xml Slot Machine

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